
Riding the exercise bike to retreat!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tribute to a Wonderful Lady

 My grandma passed away last week at the wonderful age of 91. I spent many week ends with her and my grandpa as a child and she taught me so much. I am in Washington for her memorial service today and thought I would put up a few pictures of her.  This is me, my grandpa (who passed in 1985) and my grandma at Mowich Lake in the foothills of Mt. Rainier. I was 5.

Here she is with my 2 boys shortly after Will was born in 1991. My oldest is now 24 and happy he got to know her into his adult hood.
Here she is with a rare candid smile on her face. She was tough to photograph, always hiding from the camera.

And here is one of my favorite photos of me, my mom and her mom. We were always gabbing and drinking coffee when we were together and often went on spur of the moment shopping trips.

Goodbye grandma, I will miss you................


  1. Awesome tribute and I can see a famly resemblance :)

  2. Wonderful tribute to your grandmother, am sure she was so proud of you Rachelle. Hugs Annette x

  3. These were such a special tribute to your grandmother. Thanks for sharing a little of her with us. I know you'll miss her.

  4. these are a wonderful way to remember your Grandma, very well done!
